Although getting older is unavoidable, it is not necessary to age nicely. Maintaining excellent physical and mental health as you age is based on a variety of factors; nevertheless, one of the most important things to consider as you age is weight training. The strength training techniques outlined here have been demonstrated to be useful for women over the age of fifty.
I have over 35 years of expertise as a personal fitness trainer. My clients have aged, and so has my body. From personal experience, I can attest that strength training not only makes you feel and look younger and stronger, but it also literally slows the aging process.
Furthermore, while there are numerous forms of physical activity, strength training is where the true anti-aging magic occurs. Muscle is essential for a healthy metabolism, higher energy, better sleep quality, weight maintenance, and hormonal balance. Strength training is one of the most beneficial kinds of physical activity for women over 50, and now is the time to start!